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Music Books of Sheet Music Transcriptions
¡Qué viva la ronda! — CD Recording
This energetic new CD recording by Los californios® features the songs
collected at Rancho Camulos by Charles Fletcher Lummis from members of the del Valle family household.
Click on album cover (left) for the
album notes and words for the songs.
Item Number: CD-020 CAM $15.00
Sheet music available separately: see below.
Flowers of Our Lost Romance — Recording available in CD or Cassette
Los californios® first album includes
60 minutes of beautiful early California dances and songs sung in the original archaic Spanish.
Two pieces from this CD are part of the music used in
The Remuda, a DVD film by J & S
Productions about the evolution of the buckaroo beginning in California over 200 years ago. Other musicians featured
in this movie include Pedro Marquez, Ian Tyson and Dave Stamey.
For a video clip produced by the Lively Arts History Association using this recording for the audio,
click here.
Music from this CD was also used for a Latino USA program reporting on the descendents of Spanish
and Mexican-era Californians and their efforts to preserve a genealogical identity.
Click on album cover (right) for the
album notes and words for the songs.
CD Item Number: CD-010 FLO $15.00
Cassette Item Number: CAS-010 FLO $10.00
Music Books of Sheet Music Transcriptions
Music of Early California |
El ciego Melquíades Rodríguez
Research by Los californios® has resulted in a growing
number of original transcriptions and arrangements of songs and dance tunes, many from the Edison wax cylinders
recorded by Charles Fletcher Lummis. This is available as a comb-bound book containing 402 pages of music transcribed
over a period of ten years, mostly from primary sources, and arranged with chord indications in common folk music
keys. Lead and harmony lines (segunda) are included for most pieces in the traditional style, and an index to the
pieces is included. Most of these pieces have not been readily available to a general audience for over a hundred
years. These transcriptions finally make this music once again accessible and available for performers and scholars.
Click here for additional details.
Adalaida Kamp |
Songs from Rancho Camulos |
Villa Family |
Francisco Amate |
García Family |
Rancho-Era Dances
Joseph María García Manuscript: Volume 1 |
Joseph María García Manuscript: Volume 2
The Big Book:
All the early California material in one giant book
Item Number: BK-110 CAL $85.00
Volume 1: 1999 Supplement — 38 pages
Volume 2: 2000 Supplement — 32 pages
Volume 3: 2001 Supplement — 40 pages
Volume 4: 2002 Supplement — 44 pages
Volume 5: 2003 Supplement — 44 pages
Volume 6: 2004 Supplement — 44 pages
Volume 7: 2005 Supplement — 44 pages
Volume 8: 2006 Supplement — 56 pages
Volume 9: 2007 Supplement — 60 pages
Volume 10: 2008 Supplement — 62 pages
Item Number: BK-001 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-002 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-003 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-004 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-005 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-006 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-007 CAL $10.00
Item Number: BK-008 CAL $15.00
Item Number: BK-009 CAL $15.00
Item Number: BK-010 CAL $15.00

Traditions from Adalaida Cordero Higuera Kamp
and José de la Rosa
This eighth book in the series concentrates on some of the oldest material collected on Lummis’ cylinders.
Adalaida Cordero Higuera Kamp of Ventura recorded not only her own songs, but also recorded a great many pieces that she
learned from José de la Rosa. This 94-page book contains 75 pages of music, an introduction, and extensive indices making it easier to located
particular songs. And there are a great many pieces that have not been previously available. It has taken 20 years to finally figure some of them
out, and that only happened with lots of help. The results are worth it! These archaic songs help to open a new window on the
californio society of that time.
Item Number: BK-208 CAL $15.00
Click on book cover illustration (left) for further description.

Traditions of the del Valle Family Household
This publication focuses on the repertoire of the del Valle family of Rancho Camulos,
located near Magic Mountain, north of Los Angeles. This is the first segment of the tunes in our larger work to be
broken out by area or informant.
Item Number: BK-201 CAL $10.00
Click on book cover illustration (right) for further description and specific titles.
Recording available separately: see above.

This publication focuses on the repertoire of the Villa family of Los Angeles. This is the second segment
of the tunes in our larger work to be broken out by area or informant.
Item Number: BK-202 CAL $10.00
Click on book cover illustration (left) for further description and specific titles.

A Spanish vagamundo in California
This publication focuses on the repertoire of Songs from Francisco Amate. This is the third segment of
the tunes in our larger work to be broken out by area or informant.
Item Number: BK-203 CAL $10.00
Click on book cover illustration (right) for further description and specific titles.

Song Traditions of Manuela García & her Family
This publication focuses on the repertoire of the García family of Los Angeles. This is the fourth segment
of the tunes in our larger work to be broken out by area or informant.
Item Number: BK-204 CAL $15.00
Click on book cover illustration (left) for further description and specific titles.

This book of dance tunes is the fifth segment of the tunes in our larger work to be broken out by area or informant.
Unlike our previous collections, seventeen of the forty-one pieces included in this collection are not included in our
ten-volume Music of Early California collection.
Item Number: BK-205 CAL $10.00
Click on book cover illustration (right) for further description and specific titles.

From the Eleanor Hague Collection
at the Braun Research Library, Gene Autry Center
A Mexican dance master’s fake book from 1772.
This sixth specialized book of californio music includes 168 seventeenth- and eighteenth-century
contradanza tunes. A few of these tunes are found in our ten-volume Music of Early California collection, but the vast
majority are new to our collections.
Item Number: BK-206 CAL $15.00
Click on book cover illustration (left) for further description.

From the Eleanor Hague Collection
at the Braun Research Library, Gene Autry Center
A Mexican dance master’s fake book from 1772.
This seventh specialized volume of californio music includes paspies, bureas, rigodones, and a great
many minuets.
Item Number: BK-207 CAL $15.00
Click on book cover illustration (right) for further description.
El ciego Melquíades
The Fiddle Tunes of Melquíades Rodríguez,
a tejano fiddler of yesterday
This Texas-Mexican fiddler recorded in San Antonio, Texas from 1935 until about 1950. His popular
and lively style of fiddle-based dance music was about to succumb to the post World War II trend for louder and flashier
sounds. As the fiddle was replaced by the accordion in Tex-Mex music, these fiddle tunes faded from the popular
Discover for yourself the delights of playing the repertoire of this Mexican and tejano
heritage. Click on book cover illustration (left) for further description and specific titles.
Item Number: BK-301 TEJ $15.00
Los californios®
is a registered trademark belonging to San Diego Friends of Old-Time Music, Inc.,
a California non-profit corporation.
Contact Los californios® at info@loscalifornios.com.
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© Vykki Mende Gray, 2020
All rights reserved.
Web design: Ellen Wallace and Vykki Mende Gray
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